Phone: (+856) 020 55597915

  • Airport Authorities receive real-time data for immediate risk analysis at passenger check-in
  • Data received contains more details than is currently available from the Traveller manifest
  • Statistical data can be used for planning and managing of resources at check-in counters
  • APP increases the effectiveness of airport security
  • If a Traveller is not allowed in country, knowing this before they embark, can save Airlines the costs of repatriating them
  • Reduces time spent going through Immigration and Customs channels for bona fides Travellers
  • Increases safety and confidence of travelling public on aircraft and at the airports
  • Immigration officers have more time to check all information about Travellers
  • Reduces recording time at the check-in channel
  • Can develop additional systems that compare APP data with information provided be existing internal systems
  • Does pre-screening of Travellers and finds people who are prohibited from entering the country or are on a Watch list
  • To expedite processing of legitimate Travellers
  • To enable effective border controls and strengthening Customs control
  • Allows other agencies to access information to enhance the work of their own agencies (e.g. Police, Tourism Authority, etc.)